Saturday, September 20, 2008

3 Turtles! and time out for mom!

Ashley came home very excited yesterday because she bought a little turtle. I wasn't very happy because it's one more turtle for me to feed and take care off. She promised me over the phone on her way home that she would be the one to take care of it and I would LOVE it because it was so cute.... well, I have to admit that it is VERY cute. We will see about who ends up taking care of it. At least the turtles outside don't have to have their cage cleaned out... this new one lives in a little water aquarium.... that will need cleaning!

Tanner came running in for me the other day saying "grab your camera and take a picture of the turtles for your blog. It turned out that the big one tipped over his little night light and climbed up onto his little house. It was pretty funny. I don't think he knew how to get down. So we gave him a hand. They have been eating a lot lately... they must be feeling the cooler air and be getting ready to hibernate. I will keep you updated : )  

My friend Suzanne sent out an email the other day saying she had an extra ticket to "Time Out for Women" and I decided to splurge and buy it. I had a great day today with she and her sister. The speakers were wonderful! My favorite was Hillary Weeks. I need to get on itunes and buy some of her songs she sang. They were very inspiring. I was able to meet the author of one of my favorite books "Running with Angels". It's a book that Pamela Hansen wrote about her struggle with weight loss and the loss of 2 of her children and her amazing triumph of running a marathon. It's the book I read 3 years ago that inspired me to join weight watchers and lose 50 pounds. I was very sad to see that she has gained a lot of weight back, but it made me feel happy that I wasn't the only one struggling with that!


suzanne said...

today was fun, i'm so glad that you came... you were great company.

Lisa and Bill said...

That is the cutest turtle I have ever seen! I am not a huge pet person, but I think I could handle taking care of that.

I was able to go last night to the Time Out for Women and saw Hillary Weeks perform as well as some others. She is an amazing singer/songwriter & I have several of her CDs. My favorite song is "He Is" and she sang it last night! It was an enjoyable night especially since I spent it with my mom & sister.

susan bunker said...

I'm so glad you got to go! I loved it the year we went! I have many Hilary Weeks cds. Before you pay for any songs, see if I already have them and you can just import them:).

Cute baby turtle! Does it get bigger? The big turtles are cool too!

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

I love to hear Hilary sing. I have only heard twice at women's conference. Last spring she sang a sone inspired by someone she met who had a child die of cancer. It was called "Just let me cry" I also love her song "Faithful" .

I agree with Ashley, very cute turtle, too cute to pass up and better than a puppy.

Edie and Luke said...

I have one question...Will the turtle get bigger? Carter would like a pet like that, but I am afraid he would try to feed it to Caden!

email and phone numbers said...

be glad the only thing she brought home was a turtle - theyre pretty low maintenance when you consider the alternatives!

Anonymous said...


you are a beautiful woman! I love you!


Ang & Shawn said...

don't forget you will have 4 turtles soon! swazy will be kicked out of my mom's once curtis leaves on the mission. haha !!!!!