Friday night my brother Todd and his family spent the night on their way down to the beach. It was great to have them. Scott and Jenn came over for dinner and we had a fun visit. The kids woke up wanting to swim! Why not, it was vacation!
Cute little Charity LOVES her cousin Ashley. Todd went up to wake Charity up at about 9:00 am (she will be a great teenager, haha) and she said she was was going to get up when Ashley gets up... haha. She didn't know that Ashley could easily sleep till noon! Pretty funny.
So, Todd headed down to the beach and a few hours later our niece Sam and her husband Jake came over for a visit. She is John's sister Barbara's daughter. They were down from Draper for the weekend. Ashley made some cookie dough and I think we managed to make a few cookies out of it... not many though... we LOVE cookie dough in our house! (except John... he thinks we will all die of samonilla poisoning some day.)
Tanner had fun playing guitar hero with them! We love having visitors!!
My parents are from Oregon, so I know all about those great blackberries. When went up for a family reunion a few years ago, the bushes were wild all over the campground, so we stocked up. I actually remember raspberries more...thats what my grandma had in her backyard (along with the bowling alley!)
cannot believe little ashley is at college! she will have a ball!
and the blackberry jam...ok, yum! us desert folk don't even know what a blackberry bush looks like.
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