It's been a fun, crazy weekend! Ashley worked manny hours on the Junior float for the football game and it turned out awesome, but my pictures of it didn't! Hopefully Ashley got some good ones. I will post them when she gets time to download them.
She was also in charge of getting a couple people to drive convertibles to carry the royalty during the parade and one of her drivers couldn't make it at the last minute and he felt so bad that he told Ashley that she could drive the car for him! He was very brave (thanks kevin!). She got it to the school and drove around the track and got it safely home! We were very relieved. John and I had a 50's party to go to for John's printer company that they use. So, we went to the school and checked out the floats and then headed to our party.

It wasn't that exciting, so we left after a little while and headed to Luv It's for custard and met up with Scott and Jenn and my cousin Geoff McAllister and his new wife Rachel. They came down from Provo to go to the BYU vs. UNLV football game. Geoff takes pictures for the Daily Universe.

Saturday was just as crazy! Got up and Tanner had a football game. They had their first loss, it was a bummer. Then we raced to Mitchell's soccer game and they lost too. Not a good day for games! Then we got home and helped Ashley get ready for the big dance. She got her nails done yesterday and went and had her hair done this morning. She was so excited. Her friend Jen came over and they got ready together. They looked beautiful. John about cried when Ashley came down! Cute dad, hard to see his little girl grow up. Then we had a bit of a heart attack! We forgot to order a bootanier for Ned! totally forgot.....we called this one florist and they got one made in 20 minutes! We barely made it. (can you find Ashley in this picture?)

Then the boys came and we took some pictures and then we headed over to one of the kids house and there were about 20 couples there and we took lots of pictures. Then they broke into their groups and left. Ashley just got home and she had a wonderful time!! I will give details on the date tomorrow and post more pictures.

After she left for the dance we headed to the BYU game. It was fun to see them win. It was a nightmare getting out of the parking lot!! I wish tomorrow was going to be a day of rest, but I have an early morning Stake council meeting and then another meeting right after church and then a PPI with the stake president....I don't think I will get my nap....not sure how all the men leaders do it with all the meeting they have each week!