Saturday, October 10, 2009

Intense game...

Mitchell's game against Western was pretty crazy on Friday... you would have thought it was a football game at times. The kids were very pumped up because we have only lost 2 games and one of them was against Western... so they wanted to win this one bad! And there was still a lot of tension in the air because of the big fight at the football between these two schools last week. I guess there was a big fight midway through the game and they called the game.

So, the game was very rough and we had the worst ref ever! He only blew his whistle when the Western boys fell down and we the parents were going crazy! Seriously this guy on Western fell down and expected the whistle to blow so he he started to pick up the ball and then realized that the whistle never blew so they kept playing and the ref didn't even call a hand ball! He was right there! ugh. The we all yelled so bad that the ref was mad at Bonanza, so he called some stupid penalty on us and gave us a yellow card and let Western shoot a penalty kick. they made it, so we were up 2-1 with about 5 minutes left. we played tough and won the game, but it was intense.

This is the kid who picked up the ball and didn't get called for it. I wish Tanner had snapped the camera 2 seconds later and you could see it.

After the game, the teams were ready to do a cheer and shake hands and our goalie went over to yell at a kid who spit in his face and half our team went running after him and coaches went running... I thought it was going to the football game brawl all over again. Our coach is a cop, so he was being all protective and made us all walk to the bus together and then the school administrator from Western walked with us and said "I will escort you to the bus!" I was a little nervous! But we were so excited to win!!! Mitchell played a great game. He jsut got moved to forward and he is doing a great job there!
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1 comment:

suzanne said...

western has ALWAYS been shady.

ask president bunker.