But it was time. I felt it and the Lord felt it and he let the Stake Presidency know it was time for a change. Thursday night we had a stake leadership meeting and when it was over, President Worthen came in and let us know that we were getting released on Sunday during stake conference. I think it was quite a surprise for my counselors, but i had a feeling it was coming before girls camp. I couldn't seem to get excited about camp this year and I was having a really hard time making decisions about it... I believe that was Heavenly Father preparing me for the release. I now know that I wasn't suppose to make some of those decisions and plans. I love how church callings work. Heavenly Father is definitely in charge.
I had amazing counselors and secretaries to work with. I could not have done it without them. They were so supportive and worked so hard. We got along great! We missed Barb when she moved and i wasn't sure how someone else would fit in... But Lisa was amazing. She jumped right in and got along great with us. I know it wasn't easy for her to be the new one.
Here are a few things that I learned and loved over the last 3 years...
Learned to listen to the Spirit
Loved my presidency. I hardly knew them 3 years ago. Now they feel like sisters.
Loved my ward yw leaders. They worked so hard!
Loved the YW! All of them.
Learned that my stake presidency are men called from God. I learned so much from them.
Tried to learn how to balance family and church.
Learned how to work with 2 different YM presidencies and high counselors. They are amazing men. I appreciate all they did for me. I know I made them crazy at times.
Learned that Girls Camp is one of the most important weeks of a yw's life.
Learned that youth can lead if you let them.
Learned that it's hard to let go and let youth lead.
Learned that I need to delegate better.
Learned that Barb was a great organizer.
Learned that Nathell could cook anything.
Learned that Heather could make anything look pretty.
Learned that Lisa has an amazing voice.
Learned that you can have a productive presidency meeting at Jamm's for breakfast.
It's been an amazing 3 years! Time flew by. I love the YW program and know that change lives and is an inspired program. I will miss this calling, but look forward to what comes next in my life...