I've almost made it a month! yahoo! I woke up and went for a run this morning! 3 miles. It was hard! I went to lunch at Tiffany's and got to see her new house. I love it! It was fun to visit with friends! Tanner came home and spilled pop all over my kitchen floor... oops. I needed to mop anyway! I made good progress on my relief society video. I went to Mitchell's volleyball game. We beat Western! Good job boys! took the kids to dinner. I didn't feel like cooking. I really need to plan ahead on game nights!
After dinner the boys went to mutual and Ashley went to help Scotty on a school project... So I found myself at Costco. I had to buy plates for my activity Thursday. As I wondered around the book table I stood there thumbing through the cook books and made the conclusion that i LOVE food! I really do! Ya know how when you watch The Biggest Looser or Oprah and they dig deep to figure out why you eat... well, I can never figure that one out for myself... why do I eat?? I wasn't abused as a child, I wasn't neglected, I love my parents, love my siblings, love my husband & kids... what is it? I think I just like food! But why do I like to eat all the time?? I don't know?? I am on a quest to figure that out. I have great eating days and bad days. Today was a bad day. I could blame it on Tiffany having my favorite chocolates at her house... but I could have walked away from them... no, I had 4! Once I blow it, I blow it good. Why?? I don't know. I guess I should go to bed reading my diet book. I haven't finished it yet... maybe that would help! I will go read that instead of Jane Eyre. Good night!
Slow Start
1 week ago
(this is Danielle Woodbury, I used to be in the ward, and I obviously have been blog stalking you! Hope you don't mind.) My sisters have some major eating issues, so we started reading this book called Intuitive Eating, and it makes a ton of sense. It is anti-diet and pro-honoring your body's hunger (and fullness). It is so good! Seriously, check it out from the library and see what you think. It has changed my whole perspective on food and why I eat. (I promise this isn't spam either. I have just been thinking about it constantly since I read it.)
I too love food! I love to cook and go grocery shopping. I was going through all my cookbooks last night and trying to save only the best. I thought it i would be done in 30 min. but instead it took 2 hours! I loved looking at all the pictures. I'm going to check out the book Danielle suggested!
Good luck Allison! Sure Love You!
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