Saturday, January 19, 2008

The facts of life...

Tanner is our fainter.... any sight of blood or anything close to it, he turns white as a ghost and faints. Well, he often sees the box of tampons in the bathroom and random tampons around the house and asks what they are for. So, we have been putting off telling him what they are because we know he will pass-out.... but he keeps asking. So today John and Tanner were driving home and Tanner found one in the glove box and insisted on getting an explanation. So John gave him a brief explanation and looked at Tanner and he was White as a ghost and we think he passed-out for a brief minute. They got home and he was still white and he fell asleep on the couch for about an hour. It wore him out. I feel for his wife someday!


susan bunker said...

i have a brother with the same problem. he has learned when he will pass out and gets on the floor so he doesn't cause more problems than what is already going on. i don't know if just thinking about blood can knock him out though! poor kid!

Toby and Tammy said...

That made me laugh out loud! Poor Tanner, hope he doesn't get married and only have girls! :) He's such a cute kid.