Sunday, September 7, 2008

Best and worst of the week...

1. Mitchell's soccer team is 2-0! Way to start the season!
2. Ashley bought some cowboy boots... she wore her cousins while we were in Idaho and decided she needed some. So we went to the "Boot Barn" last night. Who knew that the average price of cowboy boots is like $200! Luckily she found some on sale.
3. Kids had a good week at school.
4. Ashley got her texting back.
5. Mitchell's classes got changed so now he has the broadcasting class he wanted.
6. Tanner won a 5th grade dance off on Friday.

1. John's bike accident
2. I didn't eat very good... 
3. Ashley has a sore throat.
4. My house is still dirty...
5. it's still too hot to enjoy my morning run. I guess I could get up earlier... but my body doesn't like that.

Best and Worst combined:
Worst: John went to Spokane without me :( He went for work. Best: He was able to go to a party that all of our friends were at. The party was called "Because Rik is still on the green side of the grass!!!!!" Rik was diagnosed with Lymphoma cancer 10 years ago this month and the doctors told him that he would live maybe 6 or 7 years. So his sweet wife Heidi had a celebration party for him. We love Rik and Heidi so much. They have taught us so much over the years as we have watched them struggle with this trial. They are rocks! Keep fighting Rik!

This is John and Rik when we were in Spokane last March.


Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Sounds like things are going well. Wish Mitch good luck for us. If we haven't left for Utah, we will plan to come and cheer everyone on. If not tomorrow, we will see you guys in October. Do you let your kids use your laptop? Or is it just for you?

Lisa and Bill said...

We all have those weeks sometimes! I know how you feel! It was great to see you today for the brief moment that I did. You look great! I haven't started exercising outside yet either. Can't stand the heat!

susan bunker said...

I checked out Ashley's boots today, but didn't get to tell her how cool they are! The silver on the toe...I knew they must be expensive! Anyway, I'm glad we have "bests" along with our "worsts", right? Cute name for the party!!!

Carrie said...

Awww... tell Ashley sleep is the best medicine. We've all had that at our house this week! Yea, Mitch! I hear he's pretty popular at Bonanza this year. That's awesome. Hope he's loving high school!

suzanne said...

i'm glad to see there are more best things than worst things. i love ashley's new boots.

Kathy's Boys said...

This brought a tear to my eye today. My brother also had lymphoma and lasted about 7 years. Sept. 3rd was the anniv. of his death. I hope your friend lasts another 10...

kathie said...

I'm glad Ashley got a little pick me up (shopping always works!) can't wait to check em out...You have amazing kids...i love tanner, he says the most profound things!!

Edie and Luke said...

I love that Ashley bought some cowboy boots! Did she tell Adam that?