Monday, January 26, 2009

ashley sucks at driving

hi this is ashley. not only does this post count as "ashley's corner IV", it will also be a vent session. and let me start by saying, i had a choice of my mom writing this blog or me writing it. since it was coming either way, i figure i would set the story straight. well i have sure had an interesting morning.. 
it started like any other day: woke up, bad hair day, was late to seminary, the usual. driving from seminary to school is easily one of the worst parts of my day. its so crowded, teenagers dont know how to drive (obviously) and all that junk.
so we're sitting at a red light (sahara and el camino if you want the specifics) and the car in front of me scooted forward a little bit, and i thought for her to be scooting up, the light must have turned green so what do i do? 
gas it. 
i wasnt looking. i think i was skipping a song on my ipod but i cant even remember. all i know is i heard mitchell scream "ASHLEY, STOP!!" so i look up, proclaim my thoughts in some profanic word choices, and my car is in Jessica Leavitt's butt. not literally. 
her car got a bunch of little scratches and a big crack (i will be replacing the bumper).. and mine?  well just take a look... 
thats what i get. hopefully this experience will make me a more cautious driver. on my way home i stopped like 10 feet behind each car hahaha.
it's alright i guess. luckily i was blessed with amazing, understanding parents. they came and comforted me this morning right after it happened. i am just so grateful that no one got hurt. 
its crazy how fast word travels among highschoolers. i was 30 minutes late to first period and by the time i walked in, everyone already knew. how does that happen? text messaging? dont people have anything better to do than text each other about my mistakes? sure, i like attention but not when it's about something stupid i did. i already feel horrible about it and now i get to hear fun comments in the halls from others who weren't even involved. luckily my good friend Russell was in the mood for Cafe Rio after school. it definitely makes life a little better :). another fun surprise was after school i arrived in the parking lot to find a small group of people examining the front of my car.
no, that didnt make me feel stupid at all. 
not at all...

love, ashley


LAVAMAN said...

Just ask your mom about my blockbuster incident... yours is nothing to worry about! By the time I got to school, the story of what happened to me had grown more than 10 fold as to what really happened.

Just make sure that if you have a passenger... let him be the DJ!

Love you Ash.

susan bunker said...

SO SORRY ASHLEY! Accidents are no fun, but we do learn every time we have one. People will be talking about something else tomorrow, don't sweat that. Like you said, luckily no one got hurt! That is the BIG thing! Love you!

Allison Barnes said...

In case you are all wondering about the Blockbuster incident my brother had... He thought he was in reverse, but was in drive and he drove through the front window at Blockbuster in my parents BIG van!

Allison Barnes said...

wow ashley good job your lucky i had my seat belt on or i would have been GONE!!!..... out the window. jk. should have listened to me yelling at your face. Next time..... LOOK :] hahaha. ( i almost died) oh p.s. have fun paying for everything!!! HAHAHA JK

Carrie said...

Poor Ashley, hang in there! I'm glad nobody got hurt. Is your car going to be okay? Oh, and hopefully Amanda will remember to wear her seat belt from now on! :)

suzanne said...

ooooh. so sorry.

email and phone numbers said...

thats a terrible way to start the day. so glad everyone was ok tho. bet you'll never do that again huh? xo

sarah said...

Ashley... I'm sorry you ran into my cousins car, but it's okay accidents happen... i'm sorry for your ruined morning... but i still love you!!!

sarah dixon