It was tough to get in the car again, but very worth it. John, Tanner and I decided to hop down to Hesperia, CA yesterday to meet our new niece Cienna. I really wanted to see Cienna while she was in the newborn stage. Newborn babies are my favorite... sorry kids, but my favorite stage of life is when you were under 2 months! You know I love all the stages, but there is something so special about a fresh new baby. They don't try to leave you, don't talk back to you, they just want you to hold them and snuggle them. And I did. I practically held her the whole time we were there. I got my baby fix!
It's only about a 2 1/2 - 3 hour drive depending on whose driving. John has slowed down in his old age... actually I think it's a fear of another ticket... remember our 3 ticket day last May? If you've forgotten, you can read about it by clicking
here. We finally had to pay the fees last week. OUCH! Our sweet attorney neighbor tried to take them to court for us and the judge was in a bad mood and wouldn't lower any of the fees. He did take my speeding ticket down to a parking ticket, but it still is cost me $190. He wouldn't budge on the "full attention to driving ticket", that one cost $280. (I have to do traffic school for that one! I'm doing it online, so for I've passed 2 of the sections!) then the ticket John got for running the stop sign on his bike cost $190. Can you say Merry Christmas John and Allison! Anyway, it wasn't too bad of a drive to go down there. We forget that they are so close. We need to go see them more! The kids are so cute! Edie sure has her hands full! 3 kids under 3! 3 kids in diapers. fun fun. Carter is a typical almost 3 year old... into everything. Caden is a little angel boy. He will be 1 in January and little Cienna was precious. Grandma Barnes was there, so that was an added bonus to see her.
We went bowling and Grandma won! I think our excuse is that we were all stressed out taking care of 3 little kids, so they wouldn't disturb our serious bowlers in the next lane, that we got a little distracted and lost focus on the game! haha
Here are a few pictures:
Edie and Luke: You are doing an amazing job! You have a beautiful family! Remember, don't listen to those who, shall we say aren't mature, and know that it doesn't matter how you received these little angels into your beautiful family. You ARE their parents! Being parents is the hardest and the most rewarding job you will ever have! Love you both, so glad we got to spend the day with your family!
Sympathy on the tickets. Traffic school is not so bad. What a cute little family. How fun to hold a newborn all day long.
YIKES! that's a lot of money... i hate tickets.
You are sweet- especially the comment about us being their parents! They are definately meant to be in our family!
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