Wow...what a week! The kids had all sorts of school activities and projects, John was very busy at work and I had a busy week with my calling.
Do you know how hard it is to find a plastic skeleton 2 days before Halloween?? Mitchell had to label all the parts of a skeleton in Spanish for his spanish class and then decorate it in a halloween costume. He told me about it last week, but we forgot to get a skeleton over the weekend so I had to go searching on Monday.... I seriously went to Target, Linens and Things, The Great Outdoors, Joanne's, Michaels, K-mart, Wal Mart, Lowes, Vons and then finally Kohls and they had one! It cost a fortune... but I was desperate. I wonder if teachers know how hard the parents have to work for kids projects.... So here it is - a Hula Skeleton!

John was in North Carolina on Sunday and got home Monday night around 8:00 just in time to decorate pumpkins. It was a fun FHE. Here are some pics from the night....

Tuesday I was busy with volunteering at the High School for a few hours, Birthday shopping for Mitchell, Tanner had cub scouts, Mitchell had soccer practice, Mutual for John and big kids and YW meetings for me. Wednesday I went with Tanners class on a filed trip to a Silver Mine way out in the middle of the dessert. It was pretty amazing. They had miles and miles of tunnels that were dug out by hand. You could see the gold! A couple owns the mine and does tours and plays some fun games with the kids. they got to launch balloons across the road and play horse shoes. It was fun to spend the day with Tanner and get to know his teacher and the kids in his class. Tanner has a very interesting class.... I think that is all I will say about that, so I don't say anything mean.

Halloween night we took Tanner to the "trunk or treat" at the church. It was fun. He was Nacho Libre and Mitchell was a hula girl?? and Ashley was a pirate. Halloween is great in Vegas, no jackets needed! It was a beautiful evening and it was fun to see all the kids dressed up! Ashley appreared with her friends and begged to stay out past 10:00... no luck. She is sure she has the meanest parents! Mitchell met up with John and Tanner "Trick or Treating" in the neighborhood and got some candy. He had a bit of a bad night, his friends couldn't decide where to go and what to do, so they ended up doing nothing! So he was bummed that he didn't get much candy. It was still plenty though.

Friday was our Stake Youth Leadership retreat. We took all the class presidents and YM/YW presidents up to a retreat facility up in the mountains and did some leadership training activities with them last night and then this morning all the bishoprics arrived and we did more training for them and the youth. It went great and I learned a lot. It always amazes me how strong the youth are! They honestly blow me away. They know the scriptures so well and have amazing testimonies. I didn't know half of what they know when I was their age. I feel so lucky to work with such great kids.
I am so glad this week is over! I am ready to slow down a bit. Hopefully we will have a nice quiet Sunday. It is Mitchell's 14th birthday tomorrow! Can't believe he is so old!